
Knowledge Is Power
We’re here to advise.
Preparing for life’s changes and challenges is no easy task. We’re here to help you make smart financial decisions that push you to the next level of prosperity, and education is your best path to success.
Rely on us for honest, practical advice that can help you manage your money, invest and save, build good credit, buy a car or a home, and more. Whatever you’re striving toward, we’re here to help you get there.
Be a Wise Consumer
The New, Old-Fashioned Road Trip
Road trips have come a long way, and are still an economical way to travel. With some new tools and old-fashioned wisdom, along with our top ten list, you can plan a safe, low-cost, and fun road trip. -
Shop Smart this Holiday Season
Make the most of your holiday shopping by being a conscientious holiday consumer and saver. -
Good for You, Good for Your Wallet
Being healthy saves money. Even knowing that unhealthy choices hit your wallet as much as your quality of life, it can still be tough to resist temptation. This article breaks down how small choices can add up to big sums of money. -
Get the 411 on Electronic Auto-Pay
Electronic auto-payments are a convenient and safe option for making recurring payments, and receiving recurring deposits like paychecks. -
When and How to Replace Your Debit Card
Your debit card is your handy go-to whenever you need cash and a great way to make purchases. You’d hate to be without it, even for a moment. Check out these tips to handle a card that’s lost, stolen, or about to expire. -
Five Tips for Paying for a Wedding
Weddings can be an expensive undertaking. Establishing a budget, setting aside adequate funds and making smart choices can help you create a wedding day that is memorable and affordable. -
The Power of Credit Unions in Austin
One credit union principle is to be socially responsible to the communities they serve. Seven local credit unions, led by UFCU, put that principle into practice to make an Austinite’s dreams of homeownership come true while strengthening the financial health of our community. -
Planning a Trip? Take Your Credit Union with You
Get our checklist of important tasks before you hit the road, and make it the best vacation ever. -
Six Reasons to Go Paperless
If you’re looking to reduce clutter, bank more securely, and save time and money, it’s time to make the switch to paperless options. -
Six Steps for Speedy Drive-Thru Service
Drive-thrus are one of many ways UFCU provides Members to take care of their banking business. Preparing ahead for your drive-thru visit can help minimize wait time, and get you on your way sooner. -
Lifetime Membership Is Standard
Did you know that once you become UFCU Member, you’re a Member for life? Learn more about how UFCU is ready to be your financial partner, regardless of where life takes you. -
What COVID-19 Means for Your College Financial Aid
COVID-19 is changing much in our lives, including planning for college expenses. Here are some ways to prepare. -
Lessons in Back-to-School Shopping
Reading, writing, and arithmetic come at a price, literally, as families enter that late-summer rite of passage known as back-to school shopping. The good news is you can turn that back-to-school shopping into a teachable moment in wise consumerism with a few tips and techniques. -
Shared Branches: Another Credit Union Benefit
Picture this scenario. You are traveling out of state when the car breaks down in an unfamiliar town. Worse yet, the credit card processor at the mechanic shop is on the blink and you are short on cash. If you are a UFCU Member, the shared branch network may be your lifeline to the cash you need. -
9 Ways in 9 Months: Planning Ahead for Baby
If baby is on the way, use the pregnancy months to prepare. Give us a call, or stop by your local branch anytime to chat with a personal financial representative and learn more. -
Three Credit Union Benefits and the Principles Behind Them
Ever wonder why credit unions are able to offer great rates and lower fees, personalized service, and emphasize people over profits? Here’s a list of three great credit union benefits and the guiding principles that make them possible. -
The Benefits of Online Banking
Are you still holding on to that checkbook? Times are changing. There are more benefits to online banking that you might realize. Here’s our top 10 list of reasons to go digital when it comes to banking. -
Social Security 101: The Basics
Social security: It’s that thing we hear about — and pay into — our entire working careers. But what do you really know about social security? Here’s the 4-1-1 on this longstanding government program.