Shared Branches

  • Visit the CO-OP Credit Unions website to find:

    For a list of UFCU locations that offer Shared Branch services, please refer to this list.

  • Only members of participating credit unions.

  • Contact your host credit union or go to CO– for updated listings of participating credit unions.

  • Yes. The Shared Branches do not have the ability to look up your account number and your host credit union, for security reasons, may not disclose account numbers by phone.

  • Yes. Once again, this is a security issue.

  • Accepted forms of identification include:

    • Valid state-issued Driver's License (DL) or Identification Card (US and Canada)
    • Valid Passport: US or issued by a foreign country if authenticity can be verified
    • Valid Permanent Resident Card or Resident Alien Card
    • U.S. Military Card ID (Active Duty Personnel ID will have no signature; can use expired state ID or DL with US military ID with the smart chip)
    • Valid Matricula Consular ID card

    Additionally, UFCU will accept a UT ID.

    Unless otherwise noted, all forms of ID must be current and have a photo and signature.

  • No. The Shared Branches are unable to verify ID by phone.

  • Funds deposited may not be immediately available.

  • Contact the host credit union directly. The host is the credit union to which you are depositing funds.

  • No. Shared Branches can only be used by members of participating credit unions. Non-members cannot be serviced at any Shared Branch location.

  • Yes. Such deposits will be processed as any other deposited check.

  • ATM transactions at Shared Branch Outlets are subject to foreign transaction charges.

  • No. All loan applications and disbursements must be processed through your host credit union.

  • It depends if the Shared Branch is equipped to perform this service. At UFCU Shared Branch Outlets, you may get a cash advance on your credit card up to $5,000.

  • U.S. Currency only.

  • No. Only the physical locations of branches listed offer Shared Branch services. For example, a participating Credit Union may have 4 branches in a city but only one of those four might be designated a branch outlet offering Shared Branch services.

  • Yes. This procedure assists credit unions in preventing fraud.

  • No.

  • No.

  • Only if the business name is reflected on the account.