Transferring Funds

Especially when finances are tight, it’s important to know just how you can transfer money quickly to friends, family, or even colleagues. Consider these six ways to transfer money should the need arise.
Manage Your Finances

You have more flexibility than ever to put your money where you need it, when you need it there. Did you know that you can make digital payments directly to your UFCU loan using funds at a different institution? Read our five ways to transfer your money securely.

  1. Transfer to a Non-UFCU Member. Easily send money to anyone with a mobile number through UFCU Online Banking or the Mobile app (Pay & Transfer >> Transfer to a Non-UFCU Member). A link is sent to the recipient’s smart phone or email explaining options on how to receive the funds.

  2. Transfer to and from your external accounts. Sometimes, a payment on a UFCU auto loan, personal loan or credit card must come from an external account. You can make this type of payment by linking your external account to UFCU within UFCU Online Banking or the Mobile app (Pay & Transfer >> Transfer To/From Your External Accounts). You will have to complete a one-time external account verification. External accounts are authenticated through Trustly. Authentication can happen in real-time or through a micro-deposit process. Micro-deposits can be processed through same-day ACH in an automated fashion or require users to validate the micro-deposits manually. Once authenticated, you will be able to make payments or transfer funds to your UFCU accounts. Additionally, you can transfer money from your UFCU account to your external accounts.

  3. Transfer to another UFCU Member.  If the recipient is also a UFCU Member, you can immediately and securely transfer directly to their UFCU account (Pay & Transfer >> Transfer to Another Member). For this type of transfer, provide the recipient’s last name, nine-digit account number, and the share ID, which could be a banking (share) or a loan account. You can even add a comment that the recipient can see.

  4. Use a third-party payments app or service.  Your UFCU account can fund many convenient payment services, such as PayPal®, Google Pay®, Venmo®, Cash App®, and Apple Pay®. You will need to link your UFCU bank account or debit card to begin transferring funds.

  5. Set up the recipient as a biller for bill payments within Online Banking and the Mobile app. This option is a great choice for planned, recurring payments. Bill Pay is a way to pay businesses directly from your account without using a card or check (Pay & Transfer >> Pay a Bill). You will need to authorize the payment to a biller through UFCU Online Banking or the Mobile app. Once authorized, you can send or schedule one-time or recurring payments. UFCU will send your payments electronically or with a paper check when necessary.

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