Patrick and his wife were relocating from California with a home under escrow, and only three weeks to move to Texas. They were working with another lender to buy a home in the Austin area, but there were multiple issues with the underwriting process. That’s when they turned to UFCU.
“We were preapproved and under contract for a house with another lender, but they changed their minds at the last minute and said they couldn’t underwrite the loan without more money down. It got to the point where I was researching and quoting Fannie Mae underwriting guidelines to them.
That’s when our real estate agent suggested we talk to Yvonne at UFCU. Yvonne called me at 7 PM Texas time and spent over 2 hours on the phone with me, going through all our financial documentation and working to get the loan package together, and she pulled through with getting the numbers just right.
She was also there throughout the entire process, working with the underwriters, pushing past obstacles on our behalf, and making sure everything went through properly. Not only was she able to get our loan approved in 3 weeks, but she also negotiated a lower down payment, and we closed on time — which was a miracle, given the delays and run-around from the other lender.
I don’t usually hug my bankers, but I did give Yvonne a hug at closing because of what she pulled off for us. We’re very grateful for her hard work and dedication, and we couldn’t be happier with UFCU.”
Member Patrick T
Member Since 2015
Services Checking, Mortgage Services
Representative Yvonne N